Emden gas-fired power plant

德国 / 气体动力 / 电厂

This gas-fired power plant is located in Emden in Lower Saxony in 德国.

  • 1972
  • 450 MW
    Installed capacity
  • 0.9、妇女
    Annual production

十大最好的网赌平台 took over the Emden power plant from E.ON at the beginning of 2009. The plant was commissioned in 1972 and today, the site hosts the gas-fired power plant as well as a 生物质植物.

The combined cycle power plant has a generating capacity of approximately 450 MW.

Since 2012, the gas-fired power plant is in cold reserve.

公司 Ownership share
十大最好的网赌平台 100%
Emden, 德国

Emden gas-fired power plant.

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